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Oak Grove High School

Committed to Excellence.

Construction Changes and Update

Posted Date: 10/31/23 (9:27 PM)

The asphalt widening work was completed last week between Oak Grove Road and Old Hwy 24.  We are now ready to begin the installation of concrete curb and gutter throughout this section of the project.

The schedule was a success largely due to the minor changes to traffic patterns and the daytime detour routes.
With the suitable weather conditions, the grading crew has been able to continue to prepare the foundation for roadway widening NORTH of Oak Grove Road.
As a result, we are currently expecting the asphalt crew to return to Old Hwy 11 on Wednesday of this week and begin their work NORTH of Oak Grove Road.
We are recommending another daytime change to traffic flow with a detour route.
Beginning Wednesday morning at 8:30 am, ALL Southbound traffic will be permitted to travel freely down Old Hwy 11 between Warrior Drive and Oak Grove Road.  HOWEVER, ALL Northbound traffic will be DETOURED down Oak Grove Road and asked to utilize Hegwood Road.  Those needing to return to Old Hwy 11 can use Warrior Drive, the others simply trying to access Hwy 98 can continue along Hegwood Road.  We have asked the contractors to place detour signs along the route to improve our communication to the traveling public.
This detour and traffic interruption will conclude each day between 2:00-2:30 with full consideration of impacts to the local schools.
We expect this phase of the work and impacts to traffic will conclude by the end of the week (11/3).