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Oak Grove High School

Committed to Excellence.

Career Center & College Info

Scholarship Infomation

As scholarship information becomes available, the info and applications will be emailed to the seniors' OGHS email address and posted to our OGHS Facebook account.

Senior Dues

Senior Dues

Senior Dues are currently $85.00.


(On-line at MySchoolBucks, cash, or checks made payable to OGHS) If paying in person, please see Mrs. Rogers in the counselors' office.

Senior Dues will increase by $5 per month.  


Helpful Links

College information

Campus Visits

Many universities have special days set aside for high school students to come visit their campus with family and experience a small part of college life.

Seniors are allowed 2 college days (excused absences).  See Mr. Bounds for a form BEFORE you take a college day.

Lunch Visits

Every month college recruiters/military recruiters come to our school for lunch visits.  This means they will set up a table outside the cafeteria for students to ask questions and receive free information for their future. 

The Help Grant

FAFSA Information

By Sarah Bass


  • The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the application you will use to apply for federal student aid programs offered by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). Filling out the FAFSA is free and gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to help pay for college.

    Many states and colleges use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for state aid and school aid.

    • Grants
    • Work-study funds
    • Student loans
    • NOW!!!
    • If you plan to attend college from July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, you can submit the FAFSA NOW.
    • The deadline for FAFSA applications is June 30, 2019.
    • Apply as soon as possible - Some states have limited financial aid funds - You could miss out on aid if you wait until the last minute to apply!
  • Almost all students and families complete the FAFSA online at the FAFSFA website here: FAFSA Website

    • has built-in help to guide you through the application process
    • uses "skip logic" that allows you to skip questions that don't apply to you
    • the schools you list on your FAFSA will receive your processed information faster


    In addition to the online form, you have two other options for completing the FAFSA:

    • You can download  and complete a PDF FAFSA (go to and scroll to FAFSA Filing Options).
    • You can order and complete a paper version of the PDF FAFSA (you may request up to three copies of the PDF FAFSA by calling 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).


    We strongly encourage you to complete your FAFSA as soon as possible. Some states have limited financial aid funds. Funds will be distributed on a "first-come, first-served" basis. SO, APPLY NOW! DON'T WAIT!

Testing Information


Nearly every college, university, and community college requires students to have taken the ACT to apply for admission and scholarships.

REGISTER ONLINE at ACT Student Website 

NEW!!!! Check out Test Prep Factory's website for practice sets and helpful tips! Click here to visit! Prep Factory Test Resources


Register for the SAT - This site will give you information for test dates, registration deadlines, and test sites.

Can you answer the SAT Question of the Day?

College Prep Checklist

    • Enroll in a college preparatory curriculum
    • When possible, write papers, do projects, etc. about college
    • Enter essay, speech contests, science fairs/contests for scholarships and awards
    • Get involved in extracurricular activities
    • Volunteer in your community
    • Explore careers and job opportunities in those careers
    • Study hard and do well in school - From now on your grades will count toward college and will show up on your permanent record
    • Start to attend events on college campuses (plays, concerts, sporting events, activities related to your major, etc.)
    • Get to know your high school counselor and let her get to know you and your goals, career aspirations, schools you are considering, etc.
      Your parents may want to go along too.
    • Talk to your friends about what they plan to do after college. Talk to your parents and your friends’ parents about what they do.
    • Take the PSAT Test (Fall) as a practice for when it really counts, next year
    • Use the Internet and start looking at colleges through their web sites, sign up for their Podcast, etc.
    • Start attending college fairs in your area (where the colleges come in and give away information about their schools).
    • Get a job (EVEN if your last name is Gates or Trump and you don't have to)
    • Start a college savings account and regularly deposit into it (in addition to what your parents have for you).
    • "Job shadow" someone who does what you think you'd like to do (that means to follow them around for a day)
    • Get involved in extracurricular activities
    • Volunteer in your community
    • Explore careers and job opportunities in those careers
    • Study hard and do well in school – Remember, your grades will count toward college and will show up on your permanent record
    • Start to attend events on college campuses (plays, concerts, sporting events, activities related to your major, etc.)
    • Get to know your high school counselor and let her get to know you and your goals, career aspirations, schools you are considering, etc.
      Your parents may want to go along too.
    • Talk to your friends about what they plan to do after college. Talk to your parents and your friends’ parents about what they do.
    • Take the PSAT Test (Fall) as a practice for when it really counts, next year
    • Use the Internet and start looking at colleges through their web sites, sign up for their Podcast, etc.
    • Start attending college fairs in your area (where the colleges come in and give away information about their schools).
    • Get a job (EVEN if your last name is Gates or Trump and you don't have to)
    • Start a college savings account and regularly deposit into it (in addition to what your parents have for you).
    • "Job shadow" someone who does what you think you'd like to do (that means to follow them around for a day)
    • Get involved in extracurricular activities
    • Volunteer in your community
    • Explore careers and job opportunities in those careers
    • Study hard and do well in school – Remember, your grades will count toward college and will show up on your permanent record
    • Start to attend events on college campuses (plays, concerts, sporting events, activities related to your major, etc.)
    • Get to know your high school counselor and let her get to know you and your goals, career aspirations, schools you are considering, etc.
      Your parents may want to go along too.
    • Talk to your friends about what they plan to do after college. Talk to your parents and your friends’ parents about what they do.
  • General Stuff

    • Visit the College Answer Guy ( and CollegePrep-101 ( and read the chapters on "Application Process" and "Choosing a College", among others.
    • Continue to challenge yourself and take solid elective courses (don’t take a blow-off schedule, fight senioritis).
    • Attend college fairs in your area.
    • Visit college campuses, visit many, visit often. Attend events at the colleges you are interested in.
    • Talk to people whose opinions you respect about the schools you are considering
    • Go stay with friends who are in college. Find out what they like and dislike.
    • Explore careers and job opportunities in those careers. Talk to your parents and your friends’ parents about what they do.
    • Make sure your high school counselor knows what you’re looking for in a college so he/she can help you choose the best one for you.
    • Talk to your friends about what they plan to do after high school.

    Early Fall

    • Gather applications to the schools you are considering (note deadlines for admission, scholarships, housing, etc.).
    • Sit down with everyone who has a stake in your college decision and solicit their input. Listen to what everyone has to say.
    • Line up people to write letters of recommendation (choose people who actually know you, not just those with a cool title). Give them plenty of time to write the letter(s).
    • Borrow scholarship information (contact names, addresses, applications, etc.) from someone a year ahead of you who received several scholarships and/or had the same major as you, or someone with comparable involvements and activities.
    • Get to know the admission criteria for your top schools. Know where you stand in relation to those requirements and work toward changing what you can (if you fall short). If you do fall short of the requirements, early application could be your ticket “in”.
    • Take the ACT/SAT in September/October (repeat as necessary or desired).
    • Apply for admission (if seeking early admission).


    • Talk to your high school counselor about local scholarships and get the applications.
    • Keep checking back periodically throughout the year for information on the latest scholarships, but don't drive them nuts!
    • Apply for admission (unless you already have).
    • Apply for scholarships before Christmas break if application deadline isn’t earlier. (verify the arrival of your application, transcripts, etc.).


    • Attend a financial aid workshop with your parents.
    • Apply for financial aid (as soon after Jan. 1 as possible)
    • Take AP Tests (if applicable)
    • Go back for a second or third visit to campuses you really like.
    • It’s time to make a decision!
    • As Soon as You Choose a School
    • Apply for housing
    • Get familiar with your college and what you will need when you get there. Learn about:
      • o Housing options (on-campus, off-campus, Greek, etc.)
      • o Course selection/scheduling
      • o Faculty/Programs in your major
      • o Do you need a car?
      • o Where will you park?
      • o Do you need a bike?
      • o Should you have your own computer?
        • Desktop or laptop?

    Summer before college

    • Enroll as early as you possibly can.
    • Attend a summer orientation program. Also be sure to enroll in a freshman orientation class, even if it isn't required.
    • Make a list of what you will need to take to college (coordinate with your roommate so you won't have two of everything). Carpet? Refrigerator? Microwave? Stereo? Computer? Etc.
    • Work with your parents on a financial plan or budget. Where will your money come from? Who pays for what? How/When to ask for more? What constitutes an emergency? Consider a credit card - really, just for emergencies.
    • Make a list of personal care items you use and go price shopping. You won't believe how much a toothbrush costs!
    • Start planning for how you’ll communicate with your parents and friends while you’re at college – e-mail, cell phone, IM, etc. Consider cost, availability and ease of communication.
    • Ensure clear and easy communication with your folks and see if they’ll pay for part or all of that. You should probably pay for the rest.
    • Make sure to take a tour of YOUR classes before school starts so you won't get lost or look foolish on the first day of class.